Gain efficiencies through fast installation.
We have a solution for you.
Throughout the development of our GeoDrive Anchors™, our team has worked with growers who have experienced problems with anchors not holding in the ground and growers who cannot install anchors due to stony soils.
No challenge is too tough for GeoDrive Anchors™; get in touch to discuss your anchor requirements.
Drive-in Anchors
Our GeoDrive Anchors™ are a range of drive-in anchors developed to provide a solution for all soil types, i.e. rocky, stony, silt, clay and more.
They have been designed with interchangeable plates, allowing installers to easily change the anchor plate on the go to suit the varying soil types throughout the block.
GeoDrive Anchors™ have been tested and proven in the laboratory and the field.
Tested and Proven
From the variety of testing and installations we have carried out, we can state our GeoDrive Anchors™ take an average of 3 minutes to install.
We have tested the anchors with multiple NZ growers ranging from Central Otago to Hastings. The soil types have been diversely different on every orchard, ranging from light silt to hard rock soils.
GeoDrive Anchors™ performed extremely well in every soil type, and are fast becoming the preferred anchor choice in Horticulture today. See images for our results.